Myla. Has a goofy friend. Has any other normal teenage life. Except her crush, Aaron. She has always been following around like a little puppy dog. And.... ok well im done im bad at these descriptioons just read and you will find out it's just about a girl who wants to get a guy but his girlfriend gets in the way and she brings back past memories and the question is,'Will she quit trying so hard to get him, or will she continue" Or something like that sorry im bad at these ugh maybe the story is more interesting um idk. Sorry im just so awkward and my laptops keyboard is crappy and read at your own risk cause thee are some bad things and yeah. IM sorry I should just go bye oh wait follow me on twitter and I will follow you back! @PhenominalKelly. Do you see how it has the 'i' in between the m and n in phenominal instead of the 'e'? Well, let just say.... it's more phenomenal like that hahahahah get it no ok bye.