"Hear My Voice!" Follows the struggles of Huko, a shy and young energetic teenager who aspires to become an actor. But due to his shyness, he is unable to act in front of people and fails to impress those of the acting area. He failed to get into a prestigious high school of the arts for acting and decides to attend Ayakashi High, a mid tier high school, that suffices to satisfy his goal of acting. Just as Huko is bullied after school while practicing a scene for an audition to an acting club, Noku saves him by intimidating them with a deep and sinister voice by declaring he was the most bad ass bully in school. After saving him, Noku noticed the script Huko had and suddenly drags him to his club, the VAGasms, just in time to meet up with Hiyaka, the school student president, who was going to close down the VAGasms club for not having enough members. Noku explains that Huko was his best friend and that he has been a part of the club since a month ago. Hiyaka unknowingly believes the lie and lets the club exist. After Huko realized that he was only used to keep the club alive, he becomes upset and decides to leave to achieve his goals. But after Noku explains his actual reason as to why he wanted him to join, Huko gives the club a second chance. With hard work and cheers from Noku, who is a fourth year in high school, Huko looks up to him and aspires to become a great voice actor instead of pursuing to be an actor. With many mistakes and difficulties, Huko manages to impress the team and with his continuous effort and energetic enthusiasm, he climbs out of his old frail and shy self to a new energetic, cute and clumsy person and motivates his team to keep pushing forward with doing what they love most.
[Credit: all Original Art Covers are made me.]