MV Sewol Ferry Disaster Memorials Part 1
200 Partes Concluida part 2 here:
Mv Sewol sunk on the 16th of April, 2014 at the Yellow Sea. It was carrying 405 passangers, most of them being from Danwon High school, Ansan City. Only 172 survived. The students spent their time recording videos and joking around, but as the water came in, their survival instinct did too. Bruised/bloodied fingers, tied together life vests.. they show the desperation the students had. Even the surviving students were screaming ''Break the windows! My friends are in there!'' The students inside the ferry either drowned or died of hypothermia. They drowned in the dark, desperate for life.
This is a memorial for those students, teachers, passangers and crew, whose lives were lost, and dreams were sunk as a result of this disaster.
(Due to the 20 image limit, every victim has a chapter dedicated to them..)
My sources:
In Korean:
In English: