14 parts Ongoing Far away in a magical land forgotten to time, lies the Continent of Angmand. An uneasy 20 years of peace has finally spilled over into an outright rebellion. The North wants its freedom back from the southern kingdom. With all out war on the brink, Robyn, daughter and heir to the Protector of The North has reluctantly agreed to join The Competition. An old southern tradition for the prince to find a suitable wife. The only problem is she's already in love. However, what is she to do, forsake her family for just some boy? No, she will do what she must, even if that means sacrificing a future with the boy she's loved since she was five years old. Who knows, will she be able to put her old love to rest, or will she prove that first loves burn the hottest. Or possibly, could someone else throw a wrench into all her plans?