This story follows 3 students of this school; Adam, Zero, and Luphi.
[More to come as the story develops, this is a new story after all.]
Extra Note : Sorry for the low-quality cover
**small peek**
He ran to his new college, his white backpack dangling behind him on his back. He didn't like his old college, so he didn't like colleges much, but he had to go either way. He stared at the college's side the logo stamped across the side of the building. He despised that logo. A scorpion, a desert animal, on a school where it is literally near the ocean-side. On the good side, you could see the remarkable view, he thought. He shook his head to keep himself awake as he continued to run to college, he was breathing rather faster than he was supposed to. He entered the front the name of the college planted below the doors, it plastered, "Silver scorpions, a college for the special". He let out a slow sigh and wandered in.