You don't get to know me, until you get close to me. When you get close to know me, you get to know that I'm more expressive when I'm familiar with you. Sometimes, I just wanna be left alone. I enjoy keeping my own company than the gathering of a thousand souls. I love solitude because it helps me to think straight. Ignorant people think I'm weird but people who really understand know when I need to recharge my social battery. It's unfair to say I'm too quiet because my mind is always at work. I'd rather keep mute in any gathering, even when I am familiar and knowledgeable about the subject of discourse rather than speak out. I'd rather express myself in written form than in spoken form. Some say we are arrogant, others say we are dangerous because it's sometimes difficult to predict our next line of action. We are not recluses, neither are we antisocial. We are just different.