The porch light was on. The door was unlocked, but no one was home. Screw it, she thought. It's raining out and I need to be someplace dry, other than where I was earlier.
Her name is Chelsea. She just narrowly escaped her kidnapper's clutches. She decides to run to the first house she sees, hoping that the occupant(s) will help her. Just her luck. It starts to rain and she finds a rather large house. She knocks, but no one answers. She tests the door and it's unlocked. Funny. No one was home. She lets herself in, not knowing what is in store for her when the occupant of the house comes home a couple hours after she falls asleep on the couch.
This story is about a girl named Taylor Smile. She has a hidden talent which is singing. She gets kidnapped by one direction. It all started when her friend brought her to there hotel to see if she could get a glimpse of them. They take her because fans are chasing them so they bring her along. Will one direction find out that she can sing? Will they make her famous? Will one of the boys steal her heart?Or will more than one steal it? Read on to find out. :)