Haru is an ordinary person living his ordinary life with a loving mother and two abnoxious younger brothers. Being a responsible child and a loving brother to his twin siblings, he set aside his dreams to tend to his family's needs. Babysitter, gardener, plumber, server, internet shop attendant. You name it, Haru could be it, because he never lets even a single opportunity to earn money pass.
Giving up is not an option for Haru. As long as it is for his family, he'd go for it with having no second thoughts. That's why when he got hired by an old lady to be her personal driver, he grabbed the chance right away.
It's when he met this cold, aloof, arrogant, and apparently, lonely man named Rain, but he prefers to call him "The Dark Lord" (only in his mind, at least) because of his not-so-pleasant demeanor. He just wonders why Rain seems so distant and cold?