Alright so here is how it goes, in this game I will write about a certain event or thing but it only consists of one chapter in each story or how ever many you want to read is entirely up to you
But after each story their will be a blurb about what is going on
1.If you guessed any of the clues correctly that are revealed in the blurb, you add one
2.Get it wrong,Do not add the clues you missed or got wrong.
[Rewards for winners]
There will be bonus rounds where I'll make it much harder to guess but you will earn more points.
The person with the most points gets a story of their choice written by me just for them, and them being the main character.
Depending on how many points you get will be the amount of chapters written in your own special book.
If you have lied then you are a bad person and should go to jail, I'm joking
But please
To make it fun for everyone else, An fair too
Don't cheat, it's bad.
'May the odds be in your favour'
[Quote from the movie the hunger games]
Time limit will be set when there is a certain amount of players, so be sure to share this game with other people to join!