When I was about 12 years old, my brother and I discovered firsthand the hidden dangers of hunting, wild pigs and raw fear. We grew up hunting and fishing, and we lived about 100 meters from a railroad track that we walked about two miles north until we reached the first of the four forests. When we arrived at the first forest, we spent our day hunting squirrels and pigeons. We got a few squirrels in the bag and decided to go to second place, which was about a mile from where . . We did not know what was going to happen and that would change the way we think about hunting forever. Just when we could see the woods and beyond the corn field, he heard many grunts and snorts. Suddenly it sounded like a train coming through the countryside. . As the sounds of madmen approached, they grew stronger and stronger. When the noises broke into the corn field, we could see a handful of bloodthirsty pigs falling on us. We returned to the forest and my older brother, Bobby, shouted at me to climb the nearest tree as fast as I could.. Suddenly we are in a tree and surrounded by a group of wild boars, pigs and piglets. They were scratching, scratching, snarling, snorting, and looking at us in the trees as if we were their next meal. So we started making them explode with pellets. That only made them angry. We really thought we were damned. . They stayed there below us for several hours. By now it was beginning to get dark and we really did not know what to do at the moment. We left Dodge and returned home as fast as we could. After that incident, we had a new respect for the pigs. When we arrived home in the dark, our parents were angry until we explained what had happened. Our father went to find 410 shotguns and taught us how to use them properly. We never went hunting those forests again without a shotgun and Handmade Damascus Steel Hunting Knife.
Y/n was adopted by a worker couple from the Poppy playtime. Her mother and the other workers go missing when she was young. 10 years later, she gets a tape and a letter from Playtime Co telling her to find them. Will she survive inside the factory?