this is a story of young Pokemon trainer named Ash Ketchum who travelled far and wide in his goal to be the poekmon master but after losing some leagues the ones he held dear and close ask him to forsake his dream
My name WAS Ash Ketchum.... Almost everybody I had known and cared for turned their backs on me leading me to run away. I had ran towards MT.Silver, The harshest mountain and environment on earth. I trained day and night for many years protecting and saving Pokemon from evil while training a Young Boy in red at the same time. Now, 7 Years later I must return to face an evil deep inside the Foundation of the legends of the Earths Guardians as well as proving my innocence.
From this day forward... I won't be known as Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town...
But I will be known as the.... Master Of MT Silver...
First Book Completed December 29th, 2018.