When 17 year old Angelica Dawn gets expelled from her old school because of a... shitty incident, she gets put into therapy and her whole family moves to a completely different town in a completely different country just so Angelica can attend a completely different school where her past is unknown to everyone. Her plan is simple, boring even. To get through senior year without drama. However, when the last task Angelica has to do to kiss therapy's ass goodbye is to befriend and help an outcast, it completely screws up her plan. Turns out, befriending an outcast is way harder than Angelica first thought. ESPECIALLY when she accidentally calls that outcast a 'dumbass gorilla skater-rockstar wannabe jerk' at their first meeting. Can Angelica actually befriend that dumbass to get out of therapy? Will she end up making a bigger mess by trying to help? Will Angelica ever understand that sometimes life's complications are way bigger than just maxing out your credit card after a shopping spree or not having enough pancakes?