If you like telepathic/psionic powers, psychological exploration, imaginary landscapes, slightly-off videogames, creepy coat-hangers, sad girls, and literary writing - come, come, the fire's warm and the beer's hallucinogenic. ******** Ah, the real world. You used to live there, remember? No. Because you don't like remembering. You've got a new address now; your video game. Until... there's a disturbance. And suddenly a lot of things happen at once, and they're mostly impossible. And involve people that can dig into the thoughts and the memories in your head and turn them inside out. And here's the kick -- you're one of them. Only, you don't get a ticket into their heads. With your luck, your ride is elsewhere, a world that makes little sense, but pulls you in. You're not sure you like the destination. But hey, it's a free ride.