She was abandoned at the age of five, her father killing her mother, then killing himself. Her mistress took her in, granting her a place in the castle, but as a slave. At first her mistress was kind, but now, she is evil, and heartless. Scheduling Amelia for beatings everyday, making sure that Amelia only gets dinner, a very small diner and that Amelia will die if she doesn't do what she is told.
From the age of five Amelia has been held captive of the castle, wanting out, but for some reason she can't leave.
Her Mistress- Ariana- wishes for Amelia to be well behaved, faithful and a proper lady, but all of her plans are burned into smouldering ash when one day, Ariana takes the beatings too far, and Amelia snaps.
See just how Faithful Amelia really is.