Your village is attacked by a horde of kikimores. lucky for you, the famed witcher Geralt of Rivia clears them out. and you discovered that you have feelings for him. Read to find out more.
I, Rafaela of Loc Munnine, Rafe to my friends , the Red Wolf, Healer of Witchers and men, am running from one man. I have spent the last 20 years out running him and my feelings for him. He was my best friend, my confidant, Sparring partner, and the love of my life. The big brooding man had no idea. For Witcher's it is said Don't show emotion. Well, we will see.
Book 1 of 2.
Sequel is now up and complete
Book 2:
The Angel of Lyria.
Rafaela is my OC. Everyone else belongs to their respective owners.