Upon receiving the title of Bar'senthor, Mirione Skyleaf is instructed by the Jedi Council to record her adventures thus far in the Jedi Archives for future generations. Taking a several month leave of absence from the Jedi Order to do so, Mirione travels with her companions around the galaxy revisits everywhere she's been and everyone she's met. Read entries about her spectacular adventures all across the galaxy, from the Jedi homeworld Tython to the regal planet Alderaan. From the shady streets of Nar Shaddaa to the rakghoul-infested ruins of Taris. From the backwater desert world Tatooine to the Republic capital Coruscant. The galaxy awaits. Disclaimer: I do not own the Star Wars franchise, the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic upon which this story is based, 90% of the characters in this story, or any content in this story taken from the original MMO. Everything else is my own, but the foundation upon which it is built (The world and stories of Star Wars: The Old Republic) is not. ~This story is still very much a work in progress~All Rights Reserved