McKayla is having rough time at school because she speaks her mind. so she different from everybody, she's gone through a lot in life and nobody really knows, except for a few people and she's slipping. she's slipping from everybody. When she finally thinks things are going good in her life something comes crashing down on her, leaving her helpless until she finds out that one person that can help her then betray her in the end they always do. -------_-------_-----------_----------_--- McKayla grew up bullied since third grade the teacher didn't pay attention so she grew up with her name to hate . Because of her past. now she is who she is today; psychotically violent, rude and mean everyone she passes people have broken down your walls and if they did they see a true side of her broken unfixable and scared to try to fix it all came close but will he be the one to push her over the edge follow McKayla during this journey.All Rights Reserved