Fiona Caskey loved baking so much that she worked under her family business's Bakery Shop during the summer holidays. Her job was just to bake cupcakes or cakes and delivered it to the customers everyday. Everyday was just a normal day for her till she looked up from her cashier counter and her eyes landed on an attractive guy, Mason Harrington, looking like a 17 or maybe 18 year old guy. Soon after, Mason became a regular customer where everyday he would come to her shop to purchase couple of cupcakes or make an order from her shop but however, he would always request for Fiona to freshly baked it and delivered it to his house. It clearly showed that Mason seemed to had a crush on Fiona and he gave her all the obvious love signals for her to notice it. But there's one problem comes in, a truth that involves Mason, and Fiona had to painfully prevent herself from falling in love with him even more because she know that she can't be together with him. What is the truth about?