Kibougaoka Mimi is a fourteen-year-old orphan girl with the dream of making other people's wishes come true. One day, when she is helping the orphanage with throwing a farewell party for one of the children, she finds a boy her age who turns out to be Prince Kumo from the Cloud Kingdom. He ran away to protect his younger sister Princess Aurora from the Queen of Darkness and her henchman. The Queen is trying to get rid of the kingdom's Shining Light so she could turn the world into eternal darkness. As it turns out the royal siblings were followed to Earth by the Queen's henchman it is up to Mimi to save them! The Shining Light Mimi has in her heart grants her the power to transform into the legendary warrior, Cure Wish! To protect everyone's Shining Light Cure Wish has to search for the other legendary warriors known as Pretty Cure. It is up to Mimi to make Prince Kumo's wish come true!All Rights Reserved