"What are you doing?" The voice startled me, waking me up from my reverie.
"Nothing. Just... thinking." I shot back with an annoyed tone at the girl sitting next to me in class.
Fuck, I was doing it again. I was staring.
His name is Jackson Wang, and if it were possible to find words to describe the most perfect human being, well... you'd be looking at him.
He's a year younger than me, born March 26, 1994. I know this because I read his school file.
He's an Aries, has beautiful brown eyes, and even though he doesn't do his hair often, it always seems to be perfectly styled.
His Zodiac sign is dog, he's got O blood type, and he's about five foot eight inches.
I'd say he's around 137 pounds, but recently he's started going to the gym four times a week instead of only twice, so I'd estimate he's gone up about five pounds give or take in the last few weeks, making him closer to 145 pounds... yeah, 145.
The new muscle looked good on him, it suited him more. The only downside to it is that he has started getting more attention from the girls in class. They cling to him as if he's some sort of life raft in a hurricane; it sickens me.
Jackson deserves someone that's loyal to him, someone he can trust with all of his secrets and most importantly his heart - someone like me.
I'd never hurt Jackson. I'd do anything to get him to notice me.
His name is scratched into the inside of my binder, along with an old hockey picture of him I swiped from the yearbook office. I'd love to be the one he trusts his heart to. The only problem?
I'm a boy.
→ This story has trigger warnings for the mentions of a lot of stuff I I have never really written about before like death, suicide, anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, etc. (Damn that makes this story sound so intense, it's not that bad, I promise). But the warnings are there just in case.
"I think I'm gay." I say, leaving out the part about my... exposing dream about him last night.
I watched his expression, waiting for some sign that he was angry. I waited for him to call me a faggot, to curse me off and tell me he never wanted to see me again.
Instead, I was greeted with his perfect toothy smile.
"That's great man, I'm of proud you." He says, patting my arm as he stuffed another cracker in his mouth. "It takes some real balls to come out to someone." He says, his beautiful green eyes blazing into mine.
I felt myself become flustered at his gaze. "Uh, Yeah, Thanks." I stumbled out, "You're not mad?" I ask.
His expression turns to hurt as he crinkles his eyebrows. "Why the hell would I be mad?" He asks, hesitating on the crackers and pushing them away.
"I just thought-it's just- well... you just always seem so pissed when someone mentions the word gay." I spit out words, scared for his reaction.
He sighs, "That doesn't fucking mean I hate gays. Normally when I do that it's because someone's using the word 'gay' to hate on them, it just pisses me off, you know?" He asks, bringing the crackers back into his lap and biting into them.
"Plus-" He adds on, "You're my best friend, if anything, you being gay is a blessing. I'll always support you." He says, glancing at me through the side of his eyes.
I look away, towards the door to hide the crimson blush that I feel spread over my face.
"Thanks." I all but squeak out.
And that's the day I realized, I have a faint crush on my best friend.
Also, Please don't be mean to the characters, they aren't even close to perfect, but they don't deserve hate.