Prologue: I don't have the most supportive mother and my father, well, he doesn't exist. Now before you make any crazy assumptions, let me explain. My mom was pregnant before the wedding. She was due only a week after her wedding was to take place. My mom had anticipated this day for her whole life, or at least that's what she told me, but when she got to the alter it wasn't all it was made out to be for my mom. My dad didn't ever show up at the alter. He blew her off. He took her car and just drive off with another woman. How does my mom know that? My dad had the courtesy (sarcasm) to leave a voicemail expressing his undying love for another woman! Oh, and the fact that he took her car. We haven't seen him since. Because of the trauma my mom went through, she created two reasonable options on how to prevent this from happening to me, Kelsey Barns: training me to become a heartless monster or making me gay. The latter option wouldn't work since I like men completely and don't find any love towards woman, so the first option it was. From when I was as little as I could remember, my mom made me make boys fall in love with me and then she's brainwash me into shattering their hearts like it's glass. Some would say that my moms way of life is cynical and spiteful and malicious, but for us it's just how we live and what we do. It's who we are. But when a drop dead gorgeous boy comes along, will all of this change? Will he finally be the boy who changes my ways?