Four years after the end of the Dragon Wars, Vikings and dragons have forged an everlasting peace with each other. Greater Berk is the crown jewel of the Barbaric Archipelago, Chieftain Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III has unified every tribe in Norway, together, the Northman have made their nation more powerful then its ever been before.
Unfortunately, the peace that has thrived throughout the North has drawn its dying breath.
The reputation of the North and its dragons has reached far and wide, particularly to someone who despises the very idea of human and dragon coexistence. Enter, Grimmel the Grisly, he's the darkest threat that Berk and the North now face. He holds great prejudice towards dragons and is of the firm belief that they must be either imprisoned or eliminated. Any alternate ideas that involve existence are unacceptable to him.
So, Grimmel brings with him an armada of elite Dragon Hunters, and with him, enemies, both old and new join Grimmel to exact revenge and destroy everything Hiccup and his people hold dear.
To make matters more complicated, Toothless discovers the infamous Light Fury- a subspecies of the Night Fury, the Light Fury draws Toothless to a exotic place called the Hidden World- a secret sanctuary of underground tunnels and chambers where dragons can thrive in under Midgard.
If Grimmel and the enemies of Berk and the Northman succeed in their mission, dragons will be killed and enslaved and all of Norway will be left in ashes. This war will change the world, and it will forever be immortalized in history.
Witness the end of the Dragon Master's story, the end of dragons living along side humans, and witness the war that changed everything.
OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies
Republishing of How to Protect Your Dragon <3
Ah, Berk. The perfect island where Vikings and dragons can live in peace side by side. Berk has been peaceful for years now, Hiccup and (Y/N) saving captured dragons from all over with their trusty friends, Toothless and (D/N), and life is good.
However, lurking in the shadows is a hunter. A hunter set on destroying the last Night Fury and Dark Angel, and wants to take Berk down with it. Forced to flee due to the threat of Grimmel, they set out on a journey to find the hidden world, while also discovering two new species of dragons: an Echo Angel and a Light Fury!
Will Hiccup and (Y/N) find the hidden world to protect their friends? Find out!
Nothing ever trains you to say goodbye...
I do NOT own How to Train Your Dragon. I am not affiliated with Dreamsworks, and I make no money off this. This is a fanfic for fun.