More than four million trademark requests are filed annually around the world. Many businesses and brands wants to expand their presence overseas but before moving on, it's crucial to understand the details of registering a trademark in foreign countries. Here are some important points every capitalist should keep in mind when registering a trademark abroad: 1. Register the trademark in the USPTO Start a registering process from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) before going international, as it will be the strong base to get register in other countries. 2. Familiarize with the Rules and Regulations. Its imperative, knowing the working system of trademark in another country as compare to the U.S. Do familiarize yourself with the trademark rules and regulations of the country you are looking to register. Take help of The International Trade Administration and the WIPO to get authentic information. 3. Make use of the Madrid System. To register and manage trademarks around the world, the Madrid System is a great solution. The Madrid Agreement declares that one application is enough to protect their work within an alliance of countries and its Union is made up of countries that distinguish these global trademarks. 4. Hire a Legal representative. Keep in mind that some countries such as Saudi Arabia, Canada and South Africa are not confined under the Madrid Agreement, thus in order to register the trademark here, hire legal representative Moshe Strugano and get specific advice. Moving overseas and starting your business in an overseas country is a daunting task. It requires deep research and thorough planning while moving in a new country and setting up business at any location.All Rights Reserved