Three months after the infamous Gellert Grindelwald escapes during his transport to Azkaban, the Ministry of Magic finds themselves in yet another uproar, when a witch that was said to have gone missing over a decade ago, washes up on shore alive. Theseus Scamander is the Auror called onto the scene when he discovers that the woman is an old classmate of his, Tyne Ayers. Her skin is marked with scars and burns and yet, she refuses to speak, and the only indicator they have towards any answers, is the coat of a seal lying at her feet.
Knowing the ways of the Selkie, Theseus collects her coat and by doing so, Tyne is bound to follow him. She is placed under his care, however, Theseus takes it upon himself to call upon his younger brother for help. Newt Scamander has never been known for his communication skills, but under the circumstances, Theseus believes his brother is the best person for the job.
However, the timing couldn't be worse, as the events surrounding Grindelwald drama continue to unfold, roping both brothers in. But it seems Tyne's story may be more involved than they were aware of.
Natalia Clayton is a witch. She has been her entire life. Having come from a family of Muggles, it had been quite a shock to her when a wizarding family moved in across the street and they had quickly revealed to her that she had magic.
Working at the Ministry was a noble pursuit, or so she was told and so that was where she spent her life. At a desk, filing other people's work. Years she had spent there, but never as an Auror. If she was an Auror, perhaps then she could destroy the one person she truly ever hated. Gellert Grindlewald. When commissioned by the British Ministry to assist Percivial Graves in America, she is sent across the world to finally prove that she can be useful. That she can be something other than what she is. A muggle born wizard and a woman.
Theseus Scamander is the Head of the Auror office. The best of the best, but he had always been that to her. The hours they had spent in each others company and the gentleness they had for each other. Working in the same office every day kept them in a simple cycle but when she packs her bags to move from the office she had been in for a over a decade, they both begin to wonder about things left unspoken.
Theseus Scamander x OC
(Movie 1 - 3)