This is my secret: Hello, I am Ellie wonderstruck, I go to Hogwarts,
I am quite new, I am fifteen years old, my best friends are, Gloria, and Autumn; autumn is a boy seventeen years old, he is in the Gryffindor house, he is a shy boy, freckles and red hair, he often will let me come sleep with hem when I have a bad dream, but since this is his last year, this is the last time I will be with him.
Gloria- on the other hand- is a ravenclaw, along with me, she is black with long curly hair.
I am white, a albino to be exact, white hair with grey eyes.. sometimes people hit me and Autumn and Gloria just show up, and protect me... I couldn't ask for better friends.
But I have not yet told them about me, I am a dragonet, well sort of, i was born from a egg, them the professor took me in, I use my magic for only good use, I pledge I will- I will- something's coming to shake the ground and I think that pledge will be broken soon..
Sorry professor!