"When Xu WeiZhou pressed a gun to his temple to end his life, he was severely depressed. The world mourns him greatly, and we all know he will be missed dearly. He was the star shining bright, but even bright stars fall, and thus, we are here, m-"
Wait a minute.
Xu Weizhou didn't kill himself. Actually, contrary to popular belief, he's still alive. He never took a gun to his head.
Xu Weizhou was tired, not of life, but of his life. Of the traveling, the acting, the noise and the aching fame.
But most of all, he was tired of his longtime boyfriend, Huang Jingyu, who has no idea Zhou is still alive.
Will they meet again only to split apart? Or will Jingyu and ZhouZhou prove their love to be unbreakable?
Yibo: Top
Zhan: Bottom
After the sudden death of his great love, Xiao Zhan did not believe that he could fall in love a second time.
Even two years after the death of his great love, Zhan was still heartbroken. Psychotherapy and the grief group didn't help him. His heart was broken and Zhan was sure that it would never heal.
His heart and thoughts hung on the deceased and Zhan tried to join him more than once. He had given up on himself and was just functioning. No one could reach him anymore.
But then he met his boss of the same age, Wang Yibo. By a contract Zhan was forced to work for Wang Yibo. What starts with regular discussions soon turns out to be Zhan's second chance for love.
Will he take the chance? Or will he continue to mourn his deceased great love?
The story is told from the EGO perspective of Zhan. If the perspective changes in a chapter, I make it clear.
This is a fanfiction that has nothing to do with reality. Besides, all this is on my crap grown and I do not allow that anyone copies or steals it. I usually look for the pictures on Pinterest, if the source is another one, I will mention it.