*SHORTSTORY* Christine lost her father, then the phantom poses as her father/angel, she meets a man she has lived for years, she has gone through pain and unhappiness that someone like Raoul cold help her forget about. Then as she soon finds that feelings are growing after/during the final lair with The Phantom she finds the beauty underneath him and sees that he has loved her the whole time and he is a human that needs love too. She sees this and realizes her feelings are real and she loves him for who he is and what he has done for her. Then Love Never Dies... 10 years later. She has grown up, she's a mother having to be strong for her child, she's a wife to a man she loves but has seen him change throughout the years, and she's carrying a 10 year secret. Then when she finds an opportunity to be herself again and do the one thing she has wanted to Do because it represents who she is and why she is a successful woman. When she takes the opportunity she's excited she sees a new world beyond the shores of Sweden or France. When she arrives she's excited and her child is thrilled as well. Then when she's overwhelmed with emotions of excitement, love, and pain, she is then face to face with a man she loves secretly after 10 years. (The mind of Christine After the night the phantom abandoned her.) Cast Erik- Bronson Norris Murphy Christine- Harriet Jones Other characters- USA Love Never Dies Tour 2018All Rights Reserved