Peter Parker, an innocent child awkwardly gets tossed into the already hectic lives of the Avengers as the adopted son of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. After many things go so amiss in their lives and former villains start to slowly pop up out of the blue, the team know that there is something very wrong.
With new villains on the loose, can a hormonal spider teen, a sassy witch, a hot-headed assassin, a cheeky Zeus copy, a gay metal man, an anti-social green rage monster, and a short-haired Legolas save the Avengers, or what's left over of them?
Started - December 2018
Finished - November 2019
Peter Stark was adopted by Tony Stark when he was 3 years old. He was always happy and bouncing off the walls. But 11 years later, when he is 14, he slowly starts to become the complete opposite, Tony begins to worry about his only son who had saved his own life the day he entered it.
When Peter is later diagnosed with bipolar disorder things start to get better. Though secrets soon get out, ones that threaten his safety and the ones he's come to care about. What happens when Peter starts getting threats? What happens when the person he cares about goes missing? Will Tony figure out what's happening and help him in time? Or will Peter sacrifice himself?