(Spoilers if you are not caught up on the Shatter Me series)
Alexis and Aaron Warner are the Commanders and Chief Regents of Sector 45, and have been for a year. They have only met-or, reunited I should say-recently, thanks to their horrible father, the Supreme Commander of North America, Paris Anderson, who loves to play with their lives. They don't remember a lot of things from their childhood. Alexis-or, Alex-can recall more than her brother, but even for her there are some holes that she simply can't fill in. What happens when people from their past show up? You've seen it from Juliette's perspective, so let's switch it up a little, shall we?
Original copy rights to Tahereh Mafi for Shatter Me
"We will never go back to that
Bloodshed, crimson clover
Uh-huh, the worst was over
My hand was the one you reached for
All throughout the Great War"
- The Great War (Taylor Swift)
oc x aaron warner