Explicit chapter will have "[E]" after their title
"Uncle Johnny, oh Uncle Johnny, don't eat sugar!"
That's how Paddy said to his uncle, even thought his uncle is scary, but he's fun to play with!
We're living in Maple Mountain after few month living and stuck in that horrible-but-beautiful island
In the middle of our beautiful living, There are another trouble with our friendship, Me and Mousse have another arguing, yelling and punching trouble, can't bear it again and accidentally made Mousse cry, Paddy ask his uncle how to end all of this and then he give the key...
And we celebrate the summer here! With sausage grilling until mini beach party, but then, There are a person who seems to hate my uncle so much, he keep bullying my uncle and even pushing him until he fall! He's very rude and so annoying....
In the middle of the summer, we have so many incident already, first, My uncle fell from a tree and making him have to sit on a wheelchair for few weeks, second and last, Hypnotized. My uncle and my buddies got hypnotized and my only mission and goal is to recover all of this madness and make the Maple Mountain normal again!
We officially form our team named "The Undercovering Squad" with a goal, which is defeating the perpetrator and win, once and for all... but it's not so easy! The perpetrator leave us some notes and leading us to him, but he seems have a superpower and harder to beat!
Now we're looking how to get one too, after trying and trying, we did it! We also got it!
In our final mission, We face him again with our own power, after few minutes of the round, we won! He have been defeated and the world becoming happy! And again...
Then we officially leave Maple Mountain and go to my hometown, which is Tastyville! But still, Goodbye is not so easy.
Are you ready to read this "another" Besties adventure? Or the Moment of Nephew and Uncle? Head to the read button now!
Contain fighting. (c) 2019 Letsplay21