May contain sucide thoughts. What is written is rather from the heart (reading, experience of the feelings that are written, or story's that I would like to create in the future) note these are drafts that I published to help inspire people. Do not have judgement only postive coments. Also take note that this book or whatever you want to call it is contained with deep sucide thoughs in some chapters so if you would like to read be prepared. One of the things that are important to know is that all this suff I have published is from my memo pad that I have have been working on for sometime and will continue to work on once I have the time. For now I'll be updating this book whenever I'm inspired or feel like update. As for the other books I update when I can but I do love reading so I wount update all the time. Thanks for reading this description I hope you in joy this as much as I had typing it. Yes it contains spelling issues and grammar problems but I promise you when you read it makes lots of sence. If any questions be sure to comment. MAY CONTAIN SUCIDAL THOUGHTS BE PREPARED!All Rights Reserved