The King and counsel have ordered an indefinite suspension of Scout Regiment missions. The Scouts are ordered by Commander Erwin to stay at the old Scout Regiment Headquarters, the unnamed castle. Y/N is the youngest appointed captain in the Scout Regiment. You were part of the 100th Cadet Corps, graduating at the top of your class. (Reader character is about 25/26 since Levi is speculated to be about 34) After a year, you were appointed captain of a squad operating out of Utopia District. Your squad is the first to arrive after Levi's Squad was assigned there to keep watch after Eren. You arrive the same day the new recruits from the 104th Cadet Corps are scheduled to arrive along with Commander Erwin. One the night the other squads arrive Commander Erwin begins planning the reconnaissance mission to map a route to Shiganshina District. You haven't seen Levi since a mission your squads had together a while back. How will the reunion go? What will happen when the Scout Regiment is taken off suspension?All Rights Reserved