Action and Adventure on a distant planet where two young Humans must learn to survive in the wilderness of a world where mammoths and dinosaurs still roam free.
The planets Tareh and Earth are connected by a wormhole and share many similar plants, animals, and civilizations. However, just because something is extinct on one, does not mean it has disappeared from the other.
After escaping into the wilds across the raging White River, Sam, the King's second son, falls ill and is unable to fend for himself. Lal, a poor girl from the village, runs away from home to avoid an arranged marriage. Drawn by the smoke from Sam's smouldering fire, she finds him weak and near death.
Afraid to go home, the two new friends set about surviving in the harsh wilderness. Unfortunately, young and inexperienced Human children are not equipped for life outside. Luckily, help comes in the form of a family of Neanderthals, still in existence on Tareh, and well adapted to living in the forest.
Together, they discover a shared history of a time long ago, when Neanderthals helped Humans, and a King made a promise to his Neanderthal friends. Can the two learn to help each other now? And can Sam fulfill an ancient promise?
Two worlds collide in one epic tale. Artemisia had lived in isolation for almost her entire life, but when she one day encounters a strange creature in an abandoned laboratory - her whole life is shaken from the roots. The young woman stumbles into a magnificent new world at the brink of war with none other than her very own home. Artemisia is forced to question her own morals and her journey makes her into someone she never thought she will become. Suddenly her endless pursuit for human companionship is overcome with the desire to protect those she meet on her adventure and she is involuntarily drawn to a stranger she thought once to be the enemy...
[Total Word Count: 82 461]