Haven't you ever wondered what it will be like for you old high school friends and new friends come together to go on a one week getaway vacation ? A new discovery of friendship, love, and change happens in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada.
For Annie Lee, she has lived a simple life on her own ever since her mom passed away. She doesn't know where her birth father is because he left before she was born.
Annie was just any ordinary girl who had big dreams of becoming a doctor. She lived on her own at 16. She was born in Seoul, Korea but raised in LA. After graduating from Arcadia High School, she went to Pasadena City College. She spent 2 years there and graduated with a Biochemical Engineer Major. After that, Annie transferred to the University of California, Southern California. She is now studying in her last semester at UCSC in becoming a certified doctor. She is just working on graduating and hoping to go into the work force area at a hospital as a Doctor. Throughout her entire life, she was lucky enough to meet a boy (in preschool) who lived in her neighborhood. He was always there for her and became best friends ever since. His family loves Annie like their very own daughter. His name was Mark Tuan.
Mark Tuan is Taiwanese American. When he was in high school, he was scouted from a company called JYP Entertainment. They offered him a place into becoming a Korean Idol. With that, Annie taught Mark how to speak and write the Korean language. So he left permanently to Korea for 4 years.
For the last 4 years, things has changed and everyone had grown up already. Everyone had been growing up graduating, going to college, and working hard at their jobs.
4 years later, Mark made his success with his group members. Now they have the month off, all 7 of them decides to come home to Mark's hometown to relax. Without their manager, they fly to LA for a one month vacation
Elizabeth Olsen, one of the new professors at the highschool. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman in her mid thirties. She's a strict and cold woman in class.
Isabel Reyes, one of the popular girls in school. Confident and with a curious mind, outgoing and never one to back away from a challenge. However her older sister's death destroyed her, she missed her first year of high-school and had to repeat it.
Teacher x student
18 years difference