The year is 1972. Regulus Black is entering into his first year at Hogwarts at the dawn of the first Wizarding War. This story is the first of a seven book series that follows Regulus Black from day one at Hogwarts to the day of his death...but not quite the death you would expect. Follow Regulus as he is thrust into the first Wizarding War and torn between two sides. His 'secret' best mate, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, and his brother Sirius leave Regulus unable to choose a side and stuck right in the middle of everything. Experience Hogwarts from a completely different perspective with all of the characters that you have come to love as you follow the events that led up to the climax of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows. Each book in the series follows Regulus in the exact same way that you followed Harry at Hogwarts. This series stays true to Harry Potter series, fills in the gaps, and digs deep into the lore of the world created by J.K.Rowling. I will upload book two for Christmas in 2019