You'd be surprised what a good companion crates of cheap beer can be. The world is cruelly beautiful just as it is beautifully cruel. Min Yoongi lost them. Along with losing them, he lost his hope. Is happiness honestly worth all the hassle? Yoongi doesn't think so. - I'm literally only writing this because my dumbass friend (hi pag) wanted me to write something to make her cry, from that I'd hoped you would've deduced that this is not a bright fluffy story. It's a BTS fic sorta narrated through the eyes of Yoongi and features ot7 because we stan the right choices in this household wink wonk ;))) (may or may not hint at/contain some taegi hehehehe) WARNING: this book contains serious themes, I've tried my best to gain a deep understanding of them in order to write appropriately, themes presented in a almost offensive manner are done so to create a certain atmosphere or imply some form of feeling possessed by Yoongi. The boys aren't like this in real life, I basically nicked their names ;) Also some events within the story are loosely based on BTS' mvs and follow the general theory I believe. With extra bits. Because writing. K HAVE FUN BYEEEEAll Rights Reserved