Have you wonder if there is anyone out there that can beat the what is so called generation of "miracles" and someone out there who can beat the pros in their game without actually trying to hard? Teiko middle school is currently one of the strongest middle school in the country in both academic and sports. They have a tons of successive championships under their belts. Trophies and medals are won over as easy as breathing come especially for the men's basketball team. The only sport they have a hard time winning for the past two years is against Rikkaidai Fuzoku who for some reason manage to obtain three demons under their wing and manage to snatch away the championship from Teiko. However, there are tales, legends that are whispered among everyone, that behind this year's Teiko especially for the basketball team a monster is playing, a bigger demon than the three kings of Rikkaidai, the so called goddess of the court. Rumors, tales or even legend always say about this girl, that she is actually the one leading this famed generation of miracles. But even if they know this tales no one actually knows her name nor her face, one can't connect this tale to any specific girl because she came in like unexpected catastrophic she also vanished without a trace.All Rights Reserved