“It’s not the amount of time you have, but what you did with it that matters. A shooting star lives but for a few moments in the sky. But the impression it leaves in the hearts and minds that saw it is timeless.”
Galaxy Lloyd is pop star Cher Lloyd's 16 year old sister. Galaxy also known as "Lexy" to friends, family, and her boyfriend. Galaxy has a lifestyle most people can only dream about. Galaxy has it all. A beautiful home, amazing fans, beauty, a beautiful voice like her sister, fame, a gorgeous boyfriend, a loyal best friend, and a loving and caring family. What happens when she bumps into another upcoming star? Do they collide into each other's lives and combine to create one of the biggest fandoms or do they slowly dissipate their fandom away and never regain what was lost.
Chelsea Lea Dallas I know what you're thinking Dallas?! as in Cameron Dallas?! well yes Chelsea's brother is Cameron Dallas. but before all the fame they were a perfect family. she got good grades didn't go to parties never got in trouble always did what she was told but after Cameron left she changed. She started rebelling never went to school. Cameron would never be home if he was he'd be there for about a day then leave again 2 years later. Cameron stays home for the summer to spend time with family when he comes home he finally realizes what his baby sister has become THIS STORY IS FINISHED ENDING IS UNEXPECTED