Energy can equal matter and matter can equal energy. It's such a funny little game that someone discovered e=mc2 or e/c2=m. To be or not to be; what is and what will become. The Universal Law of Duality! The trinity of perception! The eye from within will see this triangle from the light it shines. So many proofs lead us in a circle around duality- which is the result of perception. Life is jut a manifestation that goes in circles, round and round. It's funny how some people are blinded by this illuminated truth. Strange math, strange space. 0101-0101=M 101% 101= M 1010% - 1010= M up/down=M infinite/finite=M breakfast/lunch/dinner= M Without an in there can never be an out, and without twain their will never be "m." What does "m' equal and what does "m" do? How big is the pocket of the universe? Now that would be one big pocket, but that's not the point. Or is it? Everything does not equal nothing and nothing is only a word that we use to try to describe the impossible. Everything = God = Universe = Everything Can you hear me now? =V2π (V∞) =V2π (V8) =3 of ∞ Now the big question.. what is= to stop what thought is= to the speed of light. Shout your answer to the class if you will. Stop is = and = to an instant that the universe was created in at the start their darkness and absolute, and darkness is= and to the speed of stop. This was a "time" of no "time." e=mc2 or e/c2=mTodos os Direitos Reservados