Her almost naked body sit before him. She on the ground, tears in her eye, as she was trying to pry the trap from her foot with a knife. Ivar crawled closer, making noise. Her focus now on the noise, she looked at him. Her brown eyes studied him for mere seconds before she smiled. Even in the dark it was beautiful, she was beautiful
"Can, you, help, me?" she stretched her word. She was English, but sounded different at the same time.
he crawled over and grabbed the edges of the trap, pulling it off and braking the trap all together. She then embraced him. Without releasing it, Ivar was pushed into breast. He was guessing she didn't mean to, but he wasn't exactly complaining. This would be Interesting.
Modern vikings
"I don't regret anything, and I would approach and talk to you in that bar again without a doubt, because you made me really happy for years"
Read to find out more ;) make sure you got napkins nearby, you're going to cry