"Don't fucking touch me" She slaps my hand away "I don't believe you right now" "Riana c'mon I'm just being real.." "Realistic? That's your excuse. You know what I'm not having this with you" Waving her hands in air, she moves to her dresser and begins picking clothes. I rush over, grab her arm but she snatches it away and raises a finger to me. "Don't. Touch. Me" "Jesus riana I was being honest isn't that the whole point of this conversation and this relationship" I tried explaining. "Is it? I expected a partner, a companion not a freaking judge " "I'm not judging you for Pete's sake I'm simply talking to you. I'm being open to you because i love you" I reach out touch but she moves backwards shaking her head. "Please riana let's go back to bed" I plead She closed her eyes before it snapped open again. She moved backwards again creating more space. "I needed you to hold me and tell me I was going to get over it. I needed you to kiss me and tell me you'd be here for me but no you judged me and I regret ever telling you anything" Her expression hardened. She stilled her gaze on mine breathing heavily. "Don't call me" She turned to go. I planned on running after her, pleading but my ego had other plans. My feet stood rooted and my mouth opened without my permission. "I wasn't planning on it" She sharply turned to her and glared deadly at me. "No wonder your mom pushes people away from you, your not worth it Khalil" She spat. I froze. Her eyes softened for a second. Just a second. "See your self out" Adriana had officially pushed that button. She wiped a stray tear and left. I could hear her footsteps on the stairs before she slammed the front door. The silence and pain that came after was a sore sensation.