This is a story about Leo who was a young man full of ambitions and dreams. Who was a gentle soul who used to see good in everyone and how falling in love with one women led him to a path which he was not made for but was forsed to walk through heartbreak and how after many many years of a life which was very hard for any normal person he tried to give himself some rest by taking retirement from army to become a high-class body guard for some rich people but what he didn't knew that his past will come and stab him in the heart once again but this time maybe he will be able to get that love he lost all those years ago back but it's not gonna be easy And how became the guardian of the one who gave him so much pain A protecter with a history with the one he's protecting. A story about a man who had a very troubled past which he wanted to forget so he tried his set of skills which were very harmful to anyone they were used upon a good way by being a body guard but he didn't knew that his past was about to. Become his future and now it's his story about how he fell for the women he loved in his collage days again in his early 30s and it's gonnna be a good story thoAll Rights Reserved