This is the book after Warrior, so please read that book first. *None of these characters have superpowers* I'm still trying to come up with a description for this but it's eleven years in the future. Bucky and Steve joined Shield after leaving the army. Clint stopped Nat from walking a dangerous path while her and Bucky were broken up but they're finding their way back to each other. Tony and Steve's relationship is rocky. Clint has a wife and three kids (and is continuing to adopt people into the folds of Shield). Bruce is travelling the world after getting seven PhD's, and helping those who can't help themselves. Thor and Loki are two newcomers who are brothers that helped recover Bucky from East Timor when his unit was captured. And lastly are the twins that Clint adopted, and the three that Tony adopted as well. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, adopted by Clint. And Peter Parker, Shuri and Vision, adopted by Tony. The group has split apart and come back together with more people in their fold but whether they can all work together and do their jobs is a complete other task.Creative Commons (CC) Attribution