BEFORE THE HAPPENING, my life was impossibly mundane. My universe was unfathomably small, strung together by a few measly, attenuated strings of fate ready to snap at any given moment.
The sinew of the bone in the skeletal shell that was my life was fading fast, and quickly it would have rendered me as stuck and brittle as that desiccated skull we saw in biology class. In other words, my life was oh so tragically stagnant, and I was the bug caught in the web of complexities. The measly, preyed-upon bug, stuck for eternity.
And then I met Frank.
When Gerard is assigned an English project in which he has to write a compelling essay, he becomes determined to get the best grade in the class. No more 'just average Gerard,' no. He was determined to win. When he crosses paths with the new kid, a selectively mute boy named Frank Iero, he knows exactly how to win over the teacher's praise.
"Gerard Way, the boy who got a mute kid to talk," he could practically see it headlining every newspaper across New Jersey.
Frank was just a test subject, Gerard couldn't possibly bring himself to care about him, let alone fall for him.
Frank is a newcomer in a quiet, sleepy town, trying to escape his past. It's dull and boring until the arrival of a newcomer that could be the making or breaking of him.
Gerard has demons of his own and is shipped off to his Uncle's place in the ass end of nowhere to sort himself out. He can't imagine anything worse until he stumbles upon a punk kid who seems to have secrets of his own. Frank is determined to keep himself to himself, but Gerard is an annoying, nosy, pain in the ass, who, for some reason, Frank can't seem to get enough of. Will he eventually let Gerard into his life, and will it be all plain sailing for the two if he does?
Mature content - target audience 18+
"I can't put anyone I care about at risk like that again Gee" Frank said as he stared intently at Gerard in the hope of conveying that he cared about him. "I want to get close, but I'm scared of endangering you."
He rested his head on Gerard's shoulder, and the two just looked out to the ocean, allowing it to calm them with its gentle lapping.
"I'm prepared to take that risk Frank" Gerard said quietly. "I'd risk it for you."