48 parts Ongoing MatureIn a world ravaged by relentless natural disasters, humanity's fate takes a dramatic turn. Upon death, individuals awaken on a new Earth, endowed with the powers of the very calamities that claimed their lives. Divided into elemental bounds-fire, earth, water, air, and star-communication between them is forbidden. This new realm is governed by the enigmatic Overlord, who annually selects the most skilled to join his battle against the sinister Dusk Wraiths.
On this new Earth, the elemental bounds live in a fragile peace, each performing their duties to maintain harmony. Alysia, a young woman of the Earth bound, wields the seemingly mundane power of magnetism. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she is dared to venture into the forbidden Solstice Sands. There, she encounters Ash, a charismatic Fire Born with a mysterious past. This chance meeting sets off a chain of events that will challenge the delicate balance of their world.
As Alysia navigates this treacherous new path, she begins to uncover strange, abilities that set her apart from her peers. These hidden powers pose an unforeseen threat to the Overlord's reign, making Alysia a key player in the unfolding conflict, even as she remains unaware of the true extent of her potential.