24 Kapitel Laufend Bea spent every amazing moment of university savouring it all. Despite all of the highs and lows of being a young adult, she had friends that made her laugh, and a life that made her smile. Nothing was so serious she couldn't fix it with a joke or one of her and her roommates' cocktail nights. That is until everything her life revolved around one was stolen from her in one summer. From the life of the party to a life in bed, one summer makes her almost unrecognizable to her best friends, and even more so to childhood crush, turned celebrity-Pierce Bailey.
Little by little, Pierce tries to return a bit of joy to Bea's life, but he's racing against a sprinting clock and unsure how far she has to go.
Pierce Bailey fantasized about the life Bea use to call her own, but hid the reality of his skeletons behind the comedic mask he put on for everyone else-even if it meant hurting the people he cared about, including Bea.
Little by little, Bea tries to return a bit of joy to Pierce's life, but she's fighting for to give him some happiness whilst fighting for her own life.