You curiously walk down the abandoned street, following your ears as you can hear a peculiar humming noise.
You shiver on this cold night, wondering if you dare tread further on.
Rounding the corner, you see a glow of gold light, surrounding an object on a stand.
Tip-toeing further, the hairs on the back of your neck rise; from nervousness or excitement, you don't know.
Finally reaching the stand, you see there lies a book on it.
"Story Shorts", you read out loud.
You slowly reach to pick it up, when suddenly a figure arrives from the shadows.
I smile at you and gesture for you to pick the book up.
Once you do, I leave.
Looking down at the book, you smile softly and laugh at the punny cover.
Then, you embarked on small tales, each as unique as the last, but none uneventful.
Cover by @Maltaf26
Completed until further notice