This is a Lightning Romance Novellas™ compilation. Lightning Romance Novellas™ aka LRN is a steamy romantic novella that can be read in two hours or less.
Because the busy schedules of most people make it difficult to sit down and enjoy a lengthy novel knowing that you will be interrupted when you get to the juicy parts, I have compiled a list of stories that will take care of your sweet tooth for romance and leaving you craving more.
There is nothing better than picking up an amazing romance novella covering every topic you can imagine. When you sit down to dive into the story, you already know it will take through a range of emotions as long as you have approximately two hours or less. Join me to experience crazy, hot, messy, sexy, and steamy romantic stories you will come to love.
If you would like to showcase a book in this catalog, send the book information and I will let you know if it will be featured. Please read the Lightning Romance Novellas™ (LRN) Guidelines for more information.
Thanks for joining me on this adventure and prepare yourself for the heatwave that's coming your way with Lightning Romance Novellas™