Not a fairytale girl
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  • Durasi 7m
  • Membaca 674
  • Suara 29
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 7m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Jul 17, 2012
Cinderella was a servant in her home until she met the prince at the ball and they fell in love. Happy ever after. Rapunzel was stolen as a baby and locked in a tower until a prince saves her. Happy ever after. Sleeping Beauty had a curse on her, when she pricks her finger she falls asleep for 100 years until a prince saves her. Happy ever after.
Sure...thats what happened. Nobody else sick of happy ever afters? Ella Aurora is. Despite the name, Ella hates fairytales. They're just so fake. So what happens when Ella is trapped inside the fairytales she despises so much, and isn't willing to act the part of the innocent princess or the damsel in distress. Some very messed up fairytales, thats what...
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