Divine Christianity falls as more and more people falls into the cold hands of the evils. Only little do goes to gracious Heaven, one of the three Realms, other than Earth and Hell. More and more people paved their way to the black and burning world of Hell where Demons live. It won't be a shock to say that the human soul is like a battery, containing a definite sum of Power used by the Divine Beings like God, Angels, Demons and even Satan. As more and more entered the black world of home of the Demons, they gained more and more Power. God foresees the coming of the Demons to rule the three Realms as a dominant ruler if this Power giving is not stopped. Heaven may hold on but Earth, being the least Divine of the three Realms, will be devoured by the Demons who will son have enough Power to overcome the barriers of Hell. Now, to protect the Earth and His Gracious dominant rule over the three Realms, God gave Power to mankind to protect themselves and take down the Demons to mankind, to a little boy of 17 thousands of years ago. Now, when good lies within one, there is always the evil beside it. Some Power wielders corrupted after the spread of Power, decided to rule the world than protect it. Then, came the endless Power War or Po-War. Hero Organisation or HO is an organisation made to protect the world from the evil users of Power.All Rights Reserved
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